Why is PayFast just changing the currency symbol but not converting the currency amount?
Why is PayFast just changing the currency symbol but not converting the currency amount?
When the amount is sent to PayFast, we will assume this is a ZAR amount because PayFast only transacts in ZAR, even if your shop is using a foreign currency.
Unfortunately, Shopify currency conversion with PayFast does not work. The foreign currency amount comes through as ZAR amount because PayFast only transacts in ZAR. You will need to ensure that the shop currency is set to ZAR.
PayFast only processes transactions in ZAR and does not provide a currency conversion service. This means the base currency of your store and product prices will need to be set to ZAR for us to be able to process the transaction. However, you may ...
Unfortunately, the PayFast CubeCart modules do not currently handle currency conversions. Please ensure that you operate your store in ZAR to ensure correct operation.
While we don’t recommend this at all, you can do this as follows: Open this file in your Zen Cart installation: /includes/modules/payment/payfast.php Find the text: $currency = 'ZAR'; Change ZAR to the currency code for your non-standard currency ...
Getting the error as detailed below, is most likely due to your currency configuration which is incorrect and the amount is therefore coming through as 0.00. Our module requires that you use ZAR as your primary currency and that it is configured with ...